painting His Dream...

with colors of love.


He will heal me.
He will bind me up.
He will revive me.
He will raise me up.
And I will live in His Presence.

He will restore my health.
He will heal my wounds.
He guards my bones.
He arms me with strength.

He will deliver me.
He will break through.
He will lead me out.
He will make me live.

In Him I put my trust.
I will never doubt.
If I touch His garment,
I will be healed.
If He says a Word,
I will be healed.
If He touches me,
I will be healed.
If He calls me out,
I will live.

There is no darkness in Him.
In Him, there is light.
There is no sickness in Him,
In Him, there is life.
There is no confusion in Him,
In Him, there is peace.
There is no weakness in Him,
In Him, there is strength.
I will live and declare His works.
I will serve Him all my life.

He is my Lord and Saviour.
He is my Beloved.
The Love of my life.

Written by Nithya JC.
17 March 2024.


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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-NoDerivs 2.5 India License.