painting His Dream...

with colors of love.

may you find the truth and
the truth shall set you free.

may you come to the light and
reflect it to the world.

may you have peace
that passes all understanding .

may your day be filled
little surprises and sweet moments.

may you have the strength
to overcome your obstacles.

may you forget your hurts and

move ahead..

may you live the life
designed perfectly for you.

so one day

i'll be at the Master's side
to see you finish your race off

with pride...

~.~. Nithya JC ~.~.
[ Written on 13.09.2010 ]

Someone who made me realize that
God is so close and fascinating and unlike what i thought before.

Someone who is genuinely concerned about the people he comes across

no matter who they're or where they're from.

Someone who smiles from the heart
that radiates through his eyes.

Someone who had a beautiful dream…of building a wonderful church
and when it did come true…not just of stones…
but of his sweat, tears and prayers,
it made so many people taste true happiness.

Someone who truly feels the pain of a person

who’s wounded.

Someone in whose glance I’ve felt the pure love of a mother...

that’s waiting to embrace the kids.

Someone who has a heart as sensitive as a flower

that is filled up with so much love.

Someone who can't control his tears every time

he thinks of God's unfailing love.

Someone whose personality commands respect
though he never ever demands it.

Someone who inspires me everyday…in every way…

~.~. Nithya JC ~.~.

[Written on 09.02.2007 ]

i know not the way i take
i see not the place i reach
i feel not the swiftness in air
i return not the glances i get

like a baby sleeping
on the mother's shoulders
here i am
trusting you...

~.~. Nithya JC ~.~.
(a translation of my poem in tamil..)

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